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Where is Intuitive Machines corporate headquarters?
The Company is located at 3700 Bay Area Blvd #600, Houston, TX 77058
Who is part of Intuitive Machines leadership team?
The leadership team can be found here.
What stock exchange is Intuitive Machines listed? Ticker Symbol?
Intuitive Machines' Class A common stock is listed on the Nasdaq Global Market under the ticker symbol "LUNR".
When did Intuitive Machines begin to trade on Nasdaq and what is its ticker symbol?
Intuitive Machines began trading on Nasdaq on February 13, 2023. Its ticker symbol is LUNR.
What is Intuitive Machines' CUSIP number?
Intuitive Machines' CUSIP number for its Class A common stock is 46125A100.
When will you release your next financial results?
Please go to the Events & Presentations section of the investor relations website.
What is the Company’s fiscal year-end?
The Company’s fiscal year-end is December 31.
Who is your transfer agent?
The transfer agent for Intuitive Machines is Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company.
Shareholder Services:
Phone inquiries: 1-212-509-4000
E-mail inquiries:
Mail/overnight address: 1 State Street, 30th Floor, New York, NY 10004-1561
Shareholder Services:
Phone inquiries: 1-212-509-4000
E-mail inquiries:
Mail/overnight address: 1 State Street, 30th Floor, New York, NY 10004-1561
Who is the media relations contact for Intuitive Machines?
You can contact media relations by emailing
How do I get added to Intuitive Machines' email distribution list?
Please go to the Email Alerts section at the footer of the investor relations website.
How do I contact investor relations?
You can contact investor relations by emailing